Interact is a world wide social
international organization of Rotary International. Interact is for 12-18 years
old people who look to-do something for his own, for his society, for his world
Take a look on Interact .........
Purpose of Interact |
The purpose of Interact is to provide opportunity for you people to work together in a world fellowship dedicated to service and international understanding.
Interact is not only a simple word |
He, who is the member of this club is an Interactor. The word Interactor is stands for ...
I - Intelligent
(![]() N - Noble ( ![]() T - Truthful ( ![]() E - Energetic ( ![]() R - Responsible ( ![]() A - Ambitious ( ![]() C - Courteous ( ![]() T - Tactful ( ![]() O - Optimistic ( ![]() R - Righteous ( ![]() |
Goals of Interact |
1. To recognize and develop
constructive leadership and personal integrity.
2. To encourage and practice thoughtfulness of and helpfulness to others.
3. To create an awareness of the importance of home family.
4. To build respect for the rights of others based on recognition of the worth
of each individual.
5. To emphasize acceptance of individual responsibility as the basis of personal
success, community improvement and group achievement.
6. To recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations as opportunities
to serve society.
7. To provide opportunities for gaining increased knowledge and understanding of
community, national and world affairs.
8. To open avenues of personal and group action leading to the advancement of
international understanding and goodwill toward all peoples.
What is Interact? |
Interact is a happy medium
between a social club and a service club. It can give you the best of two
possible worlds, Interested?
You may be if you read on.
Some people join Interact to meet to new friends, some join to help others.
If you join Interact, you may find yourself putting together a playground for an
orphanage, tacking down jobs for unemployed teenagers at a placement center,
singing your heart out in a musical show for senior citizens or taking part in a
variety of fund raising activities perhaps as anchor person in a "pea-pushing
contest" or as "standby" in a 500 hour table tennis marathon all to raise money
for a worth cause. While doing any one of these things, you will be with new friends
you have met through Interact.
Who Belongs to Interact? |
All people who belong to
Interact are of high school or secondary school age. Some clubs emphasize
leadership potential or good grades as prerequisites for membership.
Interact, however, is not an exclusive club. The most important credential is
that a person wants to join and become a part of a lively group involved in
promoting international understanding and serving the community. A typical
Interactor, someone once said, "is friendly, is caring and is interested in
Clubs come in a variety of types and sizes. No two Interact clubs are alike.
Some have as few as 20 members while others have over 200. Certain clubs are all
male of all female, while others have a mixed membership. The membership base of
a club can be drawn from the student body of a single school or from the
non-student population of a community.
Interact is Both Work and play |
Interact is a service club,
which means work. it gives you the opportunity to work with friendly people,
which makes it a joy as well.
When young people learn to depend on each other, to share ideas and to enjoy
working together, more gets done -- and it gets done more effectively. The
people involved also benefit and Lear from the experience. Although there is
work involved, it should be emphasized that there is fun for all as well.
interact clubs sponsor folk festivals and fancy dress balls, climb volcanoes,
attend lobster fiestas, visit archeological digs, water ski, build biology ponds
for fish and frogs at schools, publish school literary magazines and sponsor
bike-a-thons to raise money for community projects.
As you can see, the social and service aspect of the club blend together. When
young, enthusiastic and energetic people get together, contributing new ideas
and a sense of humor, you end up with a club that is worth looking into.
Interact - The International Club |
Even the name Interact - a
combination of the English words "International" and
"Action" - highlights the
international aspect of the program. Clubs are located throughout the world.
In fact, more than 118,000 young people belonging to Interact live in 85
countries - some in temperate, some in tropical and some in colder regions.
When you belong to a world wide organization, you are bound to learn some
interesting things, such as: what life is like in Aanekoski, Kilimanjaro or down
under in Australia: and what people do on the other side of the world on
Saturday night.
Generally the conclusion is that people everywhere are amazingly and immensely
Interact clubs send each other tape recordings, letter, magazines, stamps,
books, music, and pictures of themselves, among other things. One club put
together an audiovisual show of its hometown. Clubs sponsor student exchanges
and visits. International understanding becomes more that words.
Interact has members of every race, creed and color - all committed and working
towards the same ideal.
While one club in Nairobi, Kenya is transplanting banana trees on the grounds of
a home for disabled children, another club in Hong Kong is wrapping presents for
a Christmas party for handicapped children and a third in cutting a road through
a swamp is India. Meanwhile, i the USA a club is holding a carnival to raise
funds for a program that helps rehabilitate young drug addicts.
All of these are Interact clubs working on different projects to accomplish the
same thing - meeting human needs.
Interact - A Club in Action |
Every Interact club should
plan at least two projects each year - one to serve the school or community and
one to advance international understanding. These projects will include you.
Whether it is putting up music speakers in a school cafeteria, running a
paperback bookstore, or collecting three tons of clothing for the needy - if you
want to do such things, you can be a part of Interact.
A club divided into committees virtually guarantees that everyone gets into the
Good service projects take lots of people, planning and persistence - if they
are to succeed. An active member picks up practical experience, discovers new
interests and at times share the "good feeling" that goes with serving others.
This is why Interactors find themselves done all kinds things - wheeling
paralyzed children through a zoo, putting on a talent show to raise money to buy
school typewriters, assisting at a special Olympics for physically and mentally
handicapped children or clearing up a polluted river and returning it ti a fresh
flowing stream.
Why Join in Interact? |
1. Friendship: In an increasingly complex world, Rotary provides one of the
most basic human needs: the need for friendship and fellowship. It is one of two
reasons why Rotary began in 1905.
2. Personal Growth and Development: Membership in Interact continues one’s
growth and education in human relations and personal development.
3. Leadership Development: Interact is an organization of leaders and successful
people. Serving in Interact positions is like a institutional education.
Leadership: - learning how to motivate, influence, and lead leaders.
4. Citizenship in the Community: Membership in a Interact club makes one a
better community citizen. The average Rotary club consists of the most active
citizens of any community.
5. Continuing Education: Each week at Interact there is a program designed to
keep one informed about what is going on in the community, nation, and world.
Each meeting provides an opportunity to listen to different speakers and a
variety of timely topics.
6. Fun: Interact is fun, a lot of fun. Each meeting is fun. The club projects
are fun. Social activities are fun. The service is fun.
7. Public Speaking Skills: Many individuals who joined Interact were afraid to
speak in public. Interact develops confidence and skill in public communication
and the opportunity to practice and perfect these skills.
8. Citizenship in the World: Every Interactor wears a pin that says “Interact
Club.” There are few places on the globe that do not have a Rotary club &
Interact Club.
Every Interactor is welcome – even encouraged – to attend any of the 90 nations
and geographical regions. This means instant friends in both one’s own community
and in the world community.
9. Assistance when Traveling: Because there are Rotary clubs everywhere, many a
Interactor in need of a doctor, lawyer, hotel, dentist, advice, etc., while
traveling has found assistance through Rotary.
10. Entertainment: Every Interact club and district has parties and activities
that provide diversion in one’s business life. Rotary holds conferences,
conventions, assemblies, and institutes that provide entertainment in addition
to Rotary information, education, and service.
11. The Development of Social Skills: Every week and at various events and
functions, Interact develops one’s personality, social skills and people skills.
Interact is for people who like people.
12. The Development of Ethics: Interactors practice a 4-Way Test that governs
one’s ethical standards. Interactors are expected to be ethical in business and
personal relationships.
13. Cultural Awareness: Around the world, practically every religion, country,
culture, race, creed, political persuasion, language, color, and ethnic identity
is found in Rotary. It is a cross section of the world’s most prominent citizens
from every background. Interactors become aware of their cultures and learn to
love and work with people everywhere. They become better citizens of their
countries in the process.
14. Prestige: Rotary members are prominent people: leaders of business, the
professions, art, government, sports, military, religion, and all disciplines.
Rotary is the oldest and most prestigious service club in the world. Its ranks
include executives, managers, professionals – people who make decisions and
influence policy. The Interact Club is a part of Rotary!
15. Nice People: Interactors above all are nice people - the nicest people on
the face of the earth. They are important people who follow the policy of it is
nice to be important but it is important to be nice.
16. The Absence of an “Official Creed”: Interact has no secret handshake, no
secret policy, no official creed, no secret meeting or rituals. It is an open
society of men and women who simply believe in helping others.
"I don't know what your destiny will
be, but one thing I know, the only ones among you who will be really happy are
those who have sought and found how to serve.", said Albert Schweitzer. The
basic principle of Interact is to serve others. It is one person in cooperation
with other persons reaching out to still others.
A person may have a great idea that can be carried out more effectively in a
group than by an individual. Interact may be the place for your ideas and the
group for you.
You may want additional information. Get is touch with the president of
Interact Club of Khulna.